FREE 90 Minutes Master Course

How Many of You Right Now Are  

Struggling With The Following  

Low Sales Production 

Can’t Close sales 

Can’t Handle Objections 

Fail to Get Appointments 

Worried About Business or Job 

Stress & Comfort Zone Issues 

Can’t build a sales team 

Can’t Sell product 

No Sales skills 

Other Obstacles or Challenges 

What Category Are You in Now?






Regardless, of what Category: Its Time to Break the Barriers & Stop The Excuses Now!!!

 5 Positive Mindset Changes:

 1. Remember: you haven’t failed until you’ve given up. As long as you’re still trying, you’re not a failure. 

2. We’ve all been where you are now. It’s a natural part of the journey to success.

3. Now is the time to take decisive action and shape your destiny. Empower yourself to reach your fullest potential, or risk failure by remaining on your current path.

4. You hold the Key to your success or Failure because you control your Mind, Life & Future.

5. Take a step forward toward success today, or understand and accept the outcome of procrastination.


Empower Yourself for Success

Boost Your Confidence

Navigating Negativity

Effective Communication skills

Trust & Rapport Building skills

The Key to Sales Success

The new 21st Century Client

The Art of the Sale


What our students say

Carlos, United States

Troy has made me accountable and changed how I conduct myself in the business plus, in the sales aspect, I had to change my mind-frame. I appreciate every piece of advice that he has given me. 

Dev, United Kingdom

Working with Troy these last couple of weeks has been awesome. We have identified the items that I most need improving on and are working towards making progress on those goals.

Ben, United States

Troy is the real deal. His decades of experience is demonstrated in his ability to listen your unique situation in your career, and immediately have a strategy for you right off the top of his head.